Dolores Rotary Club - Super Bowl Squares

How it works:

Each square is $50. You can purchase your squares at the Ponderosa Restaurant in Dolores, at Charley's Barber Shop in Cortez, or through this website. You will need to fill out your name and your contact info, and we will let you know which randomly assigned square you have been given.

Team A will be the AFC Football Team. Team B will be the NFC Football Team. The columns and rows assigned 0-9 represent the last number in the score during the game. 

Example: If Team A scores 19 and Team B scores 13, then the winning square is the intersection of the column assigned A-9 and the row assigned B-3. 

You will have 4 chances to win, with one winner at the end of each of the 4 quarters.  

Since this is a Fundraiser, 50% of the proceeds will go to the Dolores Rotary Student Scholarship Fund ($2500), and the other 50% ($2500) will be distributed among the people with the winning squares. If a winning square remains unpurchased then winnings for that square will go back to the Rotary Club.

Assigned squares will be updated on this site, the Ponderosa Restaurant and Charley's Barber Shop at the end of each month. Starting February 1st, the board will be updated daily. 

Deadline: Buying will close at noon on February 3rd, 2019, and the final board will be uploaded by 1pm Mountain (Denver) time that day.


$2500 Winnings Breakdown for Squares:

  • $500.00 - End of 1st Quarter Score
  • $500.00 - End of 2nd Quarter Score
  • $500.00 - End of 3rd Quarter Score
  • $1000.00 - End of Game Score  

Winners will be notified the following day and a check will be sent to them.

Chances of winning are 1 in 100

Mail Option, or Join us on Tuesdays

Mail in a Payment

If you prefer to mail in a payment, make checks payable to "The Dolores Rotary Club" and send to: PO Box 1082, Dolores, CO 81323. Payment must be received by deadline above. 

Please include a note that you are purchasing squares for the Super Bowl game, and include your contact info (phone, email) so we can send you your assigned square. 

Should all squares be sold out by the time your payment arrives, we will notify you as soon as possible and make arrangements for a refund or a transfer to a different game.

Join the Club on Tuesdays

We meet almost every Tuesday (except during holidays) in the back room of the Ponderosa Restaurant in Dolores at 6:30am. We order some breakfast, we say our Pledge of Allegiance and we hear an inspiration to kick off the meeting. Then we pass a dollar donation jar around and answer a question of the day. We decide on important club happenings, donation requests, volunteer opportunities and fundraisers. We brainstorm, we laugh. A couple times a month we have a guest speaker. And we love visitors! Come join us for a meeting to see if the Dolores Rotary Club can be the way you give back to your community and find your own community within the club. Yearly membership is $150, but we welcome you to attend a few times before you decide to join. Just show up! When you are ready to join, you can fill out a form using the link below, or get a paper form during a meeting.